Ethical Hacker

What is an Ethical Hacker?

The Ethical Hacker, or as it is also often called Pen Tester, is a computer security professional who tests systems or networks for the purpose of discovering flaws or vulnerabilities in systems that a malicious hacker could find and exploit causing data loss, financial loss or other major damages.

Hacker Ético

Why do I dedicate myself to Ethical Hacking?

Ethical Hacking and system intrusion, as well as a concern, always walked me through the course of development. I noticed that, mainly in Portugal, the investment in computer security is low and, in some situations, null. However, companies continue to not invest what they should in this area of the business, most of the time because they think they are not a target for this type of crime.

It should be noted that computer attacks often happen without targeting a particular company or organization, usually they are looking for systems that contain a specific failure regardless of the size of the company, business volumes, etc ... so , any person or company becomes the target of the intrusion.

From the perspective that secure development should always be present regardless of the size of the project, I have always felt the need to test in an intrusive way possible failures caused by the human factor.

So I did a Master in Cyber Security and deepened knowledge that over time I was acquiring in a self-taught way. Now, I apply this knowledge to the projects and systems I develop and try to protect my clients from possible flaws that their systems may have.

At a time when cyberattacks are becoming more common, it is necessary to provide a set of solutions so that projects and systems remain as safe as possible.

Emphasizing that no system is 100% secure and that periodic monitoring is essential, hiring IT security professionals is not always a simple process and, in most cases, it becomes more dangerous than simple. In view of these difficulties, I have been in the area of cybersecurity to combat this gap between security and trust.

HackTheBox 2020-05-29

A plataforma dos Hackers

O HackTheBox é uma plataforma dedicada a Hackers e profissionais de segurança que tem como principal objectivo facultar um lugar onde, legalmente, podemos testar as nossas técnicas de invasão e proteção de servidores, redes e sistemas.

Em 2020, o sistema conta com 332 000 membros e um aumento diário de quase 20 000. Numa altura em que a demanda por profissionais de segurança aumenta já que cada vez mais os negócios são feitos online!

Como profissional de segurança, tive necessidade de encontrar uma forma de testar sistemas operativos e manter-me actualizado quanto a vulnerabilidades e novas técnicas de invasão para que possa melhorar a minha técnica de protecção enquanto SysAdmin.

Assim, em 2020 iniciou a minha viagem no O meu objectivo sempre foi manter-me actualizado e estudar. Quanto mais aprendo a atacar, melhor conseguirei segurar os sistemas dos meus clientes.

No entanto, a viagem tem sido alucinante e, ao fim de 120 dias cheguei a primeiro lugar nacional e em Maio de 2020 cheguei à 6ª posição do top mundial de hackers, com o grau de Omnisciente e todos os desafios da plataforma concluídos.

Acompanhe o meu progresso LIVE@HackTheBox