Monthly Archives: November 2019

BitPaymer Ransomware – Empresas MSSP Espanholas são o alvo
Full Stack Developer | Security Researcher
Daniel Jesus
I've always been passionate about technology. For years I have been producing electronic music themes, developing websites and growing professionally. I evolved! I raised the bar in the area of development. I went from programmer to webmaster! I have learned new technologies, I have improved on several.
Today I am Full Stack Developer.
I had the opportunity to be present in some of the best projects in the world. I developed systems, improved online stores, contributed to a faster web and better navigation.
Over time, I run complete web systems. I built networks, systems in the cloud, and solved problems. I integrated SIEM systems. I have perfected myself in Security and I have obtained a Masters Degree in Cyber Security. I became Pen Tester, Ethical Hacker, Reverse Engineer and I have perfected myself in Security Researcher ...
Today, I develop and protect systems, but mostly, I help my clients grow.